Kite Landboarding is convenient, compact and fun.
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- 3 replies
Finished this off about a month ago. Got the board secondhand a few years back, looked a bit secondhand. So after a complete tear down, and removal of the old deck grip. Began with a nice timber varnish on the edges, and a gloss spray to pick up the logo's and seal the board. New deck grip, greased bearings, and some trye shine. Looks great now for my 11 year old to go and get dirty with.
Last reply by bakersdozen, -
- 3 replies
I've been researching landboards for a couple weeks now. I'm in the US and it seems that MBS has the most readily available higher end landboards. In your opinion if I am riding on most hardpack sand at the beach while flying, am I better off going with the MBS comp 95 or a trampa board? I like that the trampa website lets you customize colors and parts etc. I've also gotten a reply from tech support when asking about what specific board would be good for me if I plan on just casual riding with the possibility of jumping. The MBS board seems to be a one size fits all type. Any advice ? I just bout a cheap board on Amazon that I'm going to learn on but I know I will …
Last reply by jjesseday, -
- 0 replies
I've been researching landboards for a couple weeks now. I'm in the US and it seems that MBS has the most readily available higher end landboards. In your opinion if I am riding on most hardpack sand at the beach while flying, am I better off going with the MBS comp 95 or a trampa board? I like that the trampa website lets you customize colors and parts etc. I've also gotten a reply from tech support when asking about what specific board would be good for me if I plan on just casual riding with the possibility of jumping. The MBS board seems to be a one size fits all type. Any advice ? I just bought a cheap board on Amazon that I'm going to learn on but I know I wil…
Last reply by jjesseday, -
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My 2nd attempt to go kiteboarding, very gusty wind and the skateboard wheels do not help because they are small and the terrain is very uneven. The kite used was a 3.9m NPW5 built by myself, 20m lines with double command bar.
Last reply by jjesseday, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
So I have returned to kiting and I'm going to give the land board another go. I tried a few years ago with a depower kite exactly two times and gave up and moved to buggying. Well I've lost 60 lb and no longer can buggy in my area so I have decided to try land boarding again. I've got some fixed bridle kites that I plan to try first to make sure I like it before investing in more depower kites. Do any of you prefer flying with fixed bridle vs depower? I've got a 3.5 rage, 3.5 alpha, 4 m blade, and a 5 m beamer. Never flown the blade, just got that today actually and don't get my board for a few days. Once the rain stops I plan to go out and give it a shot. I'm kind o…
Last reply by jjesseday, -
- 8 replies
which is ironically not 90miles long but 55 miles long. still thats a fair distance. weather permitting me and several hard core buggiers are going to do a massive down winder and bomb the entire beach in one sesion. i'm hoping for a clean 20 odd knots so i can churn along at 30+ mph and maybe break the 40mph barrier. 55 miles give you a lot time to get comfortable at speed so maybe if the perfect conditions appear then a nudge at 50mph will be in order. oooh i'm getting excited. hope like hell the weather gods play ball.
Last reply by George_42, -
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Hi Everyone, I may have left my mountain board in the Venus Bay car park a couple of months ago but only just discovered it’s missing. There was a blokarter on the beach that day too. It’s a Shifty 100. Please let me know if it’s been found. Cheers, Carey Hazelbank - Inverloch.
Last reply by Carey Haze, -
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- 2 replies
I’ve been using an assortment of fixed bridle kites for the last year including the 5&6meter twisters, 4.9 blade, and 3.5 rage. I’ve recently started Land boarding and my usual winds are 7-15mph with some inland/ mountain gusts in the upper end. I’m interested in trying a Depower foil but I’m not really sure what size and model to buy to provide good power in lower to moderate winds but not kill me in gusts. I like the speed that the FB blade provides but it’s sketchy in gusty conditions. I’ve been looking at the HQ Apex and Peter lynn Lynx in the 8meter range but I’m not sure if those are going to be sluggish or even the right size to get me going. I really like the…
Last reply by nigel, -
Got my hands on an original Dirtsurfer. A bit of a polish, some grease in the bearings (still could do with new ones), and some new rubber. I am good to go!! My 9 year old son read the warning on the bottom of the board (a you will injure yourself using this device warning) and now doesn't want to have a go. And he's the one with a mountain board? Go figure? I am sure he will come around once he see's me using it, or falling off it.
Last reply by andy666, -
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- 3 replies
Hi All, New to land boarding and after some advice on gear. After lots of reading between the cons and pros of FB Vs Depower, I think I’d like to go down the depower route long term. Do you have some recommendations on kites I should look at, and also some recommendations on control bars? I'm Tassie based, have access to both beach and inland and weigh around 100kgs. I’d like to work upto being able to jump and trick when more experienced. I will also be putting tine in on a trainer kite as well. Thanks in advance for the info. Cheers, Donkey
Last reply by Olugoz, -
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- 17 replies
Hi guys great forum I am stoked to b here amongst people who know their stuff coz I am a newbie. I aspire to jump in sand dunes n mountain board on the beach. I have been learning with an ozone 1.6m trainer and recently a p Lynn 3m hornet which I scared my newbie self with lots power. So I have a question please, about depower kites- how much of a kite's power is lost when u sheet right out? They look so manageable compared to a fixed line kite? I Think I want one thanx
Last reply by alison melia, -
- 38 replies
During this COVID lock down and losing employment because of it I decide I liked being home and it was time to start my own business. I bought a 3D printer to help with design projects- prototypes etc. It’s been fun trying stuff out, and I’m going to see if I can rebuild my old Revo truck board using printed parts. I’ve designed the main truck housing to use tradition skate truck hole setup as the original Revos have a specific setup which means drilling into your board. I’ve printed this first test setup with PETG, which it the same plastic used in plastic drink bottles. So I’m hoping they will be less prone to shatter and may have a little flex. I also…
Last reply by plummet, -
- 1.3k replies
THis is the thread to show off your creativity! I have seen some gorgeous looking boards on random threads but nothing that has them all together, like one big garage of super sexy boards. Feel free to post your board, whether it is just an exit toaster painted black or a super duper carbon and titanium super light freestyle machine! I am currently in the process of pimping my comp6, I've changed most of the components bar the deck (perfect for me right now). I plan to make my own bindings and as per my other thread..paint my deck. Now get some pictures up here! Regards, Mac
Last reply by bakersdozen, -
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This weekend was the test of my NPW21, after several line adjustments I managed to put it on the air. My observations about the kite were: Lots of tractive force. Wider flight window. Low speed. Lots of vibration at the tips. The kite is much wider compared to the NPW5, which makes it have a lower AR. I still need to make more precise adjustments, reduce the tension lines, maybe create some darts, but taking into account the bad wind quality with variation and gusts coming from L and NE direction, I really liked the result. Soon new videos. I will be honest in saying that I was a little scared by the pressure of the kite on the bar, thinking that there might be som…
Last reply by andy666, -
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So it has happened, my old wooden scrub board has snapped and I need to replace the deck. I'm looking at a Trampa deck as I've heard that they are pretty good but am just checking what is around and what I should be looking for so have a couple of questions. my knowledge on what makes a good deck is fairly limited to making sure it is strong enough to not snap and making sure it doesn't weigh a tonne. Are there any other UK or can deliver to the UK manufacturers who make carbon fibre boards apart from Trampa? I want a replacement deck with maximum pop for getting air, should I be looking at a stiffer board or a more flexible board. I'm using 9.5mm skate tru…
Last reply by bakersdozen, -
- 13 replies
Good morning everyone. I want to ride a skateboard to practice with my NASA kite. I'm having trouble finding my own skate and when I think the prices are high and I can't. I found a set of wheels to sell in my country at a price I can afford. I wonder if it would be possible for me to practice with these wheels in the measurements of the photo. The tires are not inflatable and according to the manufacturer they can handle about 120kg, they are for wheelchairs. The place I will use is hard earth, mixed with grass, gravel and loose sand. Currently I have tried to use a longboard skateboard with tractor wheels, but their diameter is 10cm by about 6cm in width and ends up loc…
Last reply by Renato Borowski Filho, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Good evening I am looking for a new light freestyle landboard deck. CKB and X-Shape are not producing anymore. Does anybody know another vendor? Thanks for your answer :) Henrik
Last reply by Randy, -
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Last reply by Pari, -
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Lolo BSD has stitched a video together from previously unreleased footage. Enjoy
Last reply by bakersdozen, -
- 2 replies
Just because why not.
Last reply by RedSky, -
- 0 replies
If you've got Disney + you can check out a cheesy mountain boarding flick. 68% score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Last reply by 123matt, -
- 1 reply
Anyone help out a guy with some tech. I found a pic of some balllon tires on a landboard attached.. Wheeleez 9.5 tire has no bearings and can’t find a balloon tire (beach soft sand wide) tire and bearing for my MTB 12mm axle.. any help would be very appreciated... Need some fun when not on water and low wind Mike
Last reply by bakersdozen, -
- 30 replies
Anyone doing it. I've recently started it as a no wind activity that is also a good workout and you don't even realise it because your having such fun.
Last reply by 123matt, -
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- 6 replies
Hi guys I’ve been kiteboarding for about a year, pretty confident in water but trying out land boarding. Got a mountain board, curious of wind speeds and directions and what size kite to use. I use Lei kites I think they’re called , got a 9 and 12m liquid force envy.I tried using my mountain board on the beach the other day seemed to get bogged in the soft sand curious of the limits to push.
Last reply by Northern Kites Australia, -
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Last reply by king.module,