So I have returned to kiting and I'm going to give the land board another go. I tried a few years ago with a depower kite exactly two times and gave up and moved to buggying. Well I've lost 60 lb and no longer can buggy in my area so I have decided to try land boarding again. I've got some fixed bridle kites that I plan to try first to make sure I like it before investing in more depower kites. Do any of you prefer flying with fixed bridle vs depower? I've got a 3.5 rage, 3.5 alpha, 4 m blade, and a 5 m beamer. Never flown the blade, just got that today actually and don't get my board for a few days. Once the rain stops I plan to go out and give it a shot. I'm kind of thinking about using the rage first depending on the wind. Either that or the beamer. Is there any downside to learning how to board with fixed bridle kites first versus just jumping straight to depower?