buggy peterlynn XR MODIFIED
salut, as tous trippeux..
j,ai modifiez dernierment mon buggy peter lynn pour char a voile de neige sur lac geler pendant l hiver ou sur champs hiver, je m'en suis procurer un 2e buggy peterlynn de base . demontable .. sur roue pour char a voile modifiez pour été printemps et automne
- Album created by Timo Ketelle
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- 1 image
Sysmic S3
Aluminium frame & fork, fibreglass rear axle. This buggy is foldable via hinge on siderails (take out 1 bolt each side), rear axle goes under swan-neck. The whole thing is also totally detachable, and fits into a bag (depending on the size of wheels, and size of bag of course). Rear axle splits in two halves, ca 75 cm each w/o wheel.
Seat and frame, incl. axles/bolts; 18,0 kgs
18" Midi XL/XXL, on 4" wide rim front & 8" wide rims rear; 19,3 kgs
Gravity Zero barrows on 4" rims; 8,1 kgs
- Album created by Haakon K
- Updated
- 36 images
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- 36 images
- 2 album comments
PTW Panther
Panther Buggy photos thanks to: Carlos Fandango
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 17 images
- 17 images
Peter Lynn Drifter
The Peter Lynn Drifter Kite Buggy was released in 2016 as an update to the original Peter Lynn Competition Buggy.
- Album created by .Joel
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- 11 images
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- 11 images
- 4 image comments
Peter Lynn Rally
The Peter Lynn Rally Kite Buggy was released in 2016 as an update to the original Peter Lynn Competition Buggy.
- Album created by .Joel
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- 12 images
- 12 images
Scorpion Race
The Scorpion Race Buggy according to Granville Nixon the owner was built for the Scorpion Race Team. The buggy is built from stainless steel and has removable lead weights on the front and rear.
- Album created by .Joel
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- 6 images
- 6 images
GT-Race Rapide++
Photos of the GT-Race Rapide++ Kite Buggy designed & manufactured my Martin Faber.
Released October 2015.
- Album created by .Joel
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- 16 images
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- 16 images
- 1 image comment
GT-Race Radical
GT-Race Radical Kite Buggy produced by Martin Faber.
- Album created by .Joel
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- 31 images
- 31 images
GT-Race Rapide FL
Photos of the GT-Race Rapide FL Kite Buggy designed and built by Martin Faber.
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 16 images
- 16 images
PTW Prowler
Prowler Buggy photos thanks to: Carlos Fandango
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 16 images
- 16 images
Parastorm Typhoon II
Parastorm Typhoon MKII Kite Buggy, also known as the "Phoon"
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 6 images
- 6 images
Peter Lynn Comp II
Peter Lynn Comp MK II Kite Buggy.
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 5 images
- 5 images
PTW Fandango
Fandango Buggy photos thanks to: Carlos Fandango
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 34 images
- 34 images
Eliot Virus
Eliot Virus Buggy prototype photos thanks to David Lees
- Album created by .Joel
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- 3 images
- 3 images
Libre Supertruck
Libre Supertruck Buggy photos thanks to: Steve Batho
- Album created by .Joel
- Updated
- 4 images
- 4 images