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Extreme Kites Team Blog with the latest Event, Website and General Updates.

Entries in this blog

12000 Reasons to View The Gallery

Do you have your own Members' Album? The Extreme Kites Gallery has reached over 12,000 images dating back 15 years, to my knowledge this makes it the largest member-contributed gallery of power kiting photos available anywhere on the internet. If you’re not already a part of it join us by creating an Album for yourself, you will be sharing the journey with us in creating this amazing visual timeline of kiting history. As a Member you can upload images to your own personal Album or you can c


.Joel in News

Content Curators

Extreme Kites over the past month has had an enormous influx of content, the challenge now is to make that content discoverable through different parts of the website.  To meet that challenge many hands make light work, and I would like to thank @bakersdozen, @andy666, @Mfwetu and @igeighty for stepping up to help. The first step is for us to work through the 1600+ reviews that now exist on the website and apply the relevant tags and filters so that the reviews can be easily discovered and


.Joel in News

Restoring 15 Years of Kite Reviews

Project Salvage : Restoring 15 Years of Kite Reviews. RaceKites was an example of a collective human effort coming together to build the largest, dedicated online repository of kiting reviews.  In 2019 RaceKites went offline, today I would like to share that the sum of all that knowledge is coming to Extreme Kites.   Alan Short, the owner of RaceKites was responsible for building and maintaining the platform for nearly 15 years containing over 1500 reviews.  I’d like to acknowledge the th


.Joel in News

Extreme Kites moves to .ORG

It’s no secret that Land Kiting over the past decade has suffered a loss of momentum, as the number of kiters has reduced the fragmentation of the community has increased.  This has accelerated how disjointed we are as a community from resources that were once easier to access. Today Extreme Kites has moved to a .ORG domain to clearly signal to everyone that we want you to join us and be part of our community.  To help bring more of us together from all over the world, and in turn hopefully


.Joel in News

Launching the Library : Downloads

Today I’m adding an additional section to Extreme Kites called ‘The Library.’   

The first part of the Library is the downloads area and this is a place where the community can share files, PDFs, Drawings, Line Plans, Tweaks, Manuals and even old brochures that evoke a feeling of nostalgia.  I’ve kept it simple to start and as each category grows they’ll be sub-divided in to clearer and more identifiable categories.  It’s in its early infancy, however keep an eye on it as I feed more and m


.Joel in News

Restoring 20 Years of Kiting History

Project Salvage : Restoring 20 Years of Kiting History. Over the next few weeks I’ll be working to restore the content that was once available on Flexifoil Forums / Kitecrowd.  I’ll be attempting to restore nearly 20 years of kiting history where there were nearly 2 million contributions made by thousands of individuals. Why?  It’s something personal for me, my first years of Kiting the Flexifoil Forums provided so much wealth of information.  With kitecrowd, foilzone, arcusers, race


.Joel in News

Website Upgrades

The new season down under is upon us, so it's time to upgrade the website and launch a new section   Today I've done the basic upgrade, there's a few areas to fix and polish then I'll be launching a new section which will keep you hooked for hours   There will be some errors and issues, they can be submitted here: http://www.extremekites.com.au/bugs/   



Extreme Kites Winter Chill Hoodies

Store update, new Winter Hoodies available in Lightweight, Premium Weight, Mens, Womens and Unisex have been added.   Link: http://shop.spreadshirt.com.au/xknews/ 



Born-Kite Longstar2 Winner

The winner of the Born-Kite Longstar2 2016/17 Competition is........  @Darren Tibbey! Congratulations and welldone, throughout the competition you created some really good and engaging contributions and discussions that landed this result.  In second place to Darren was @andy666 who also generated some engaging contributions.  An Extreme Kites Buggy T-Shirt will be on its way to you   Once again thanks to Born-Kite for supplying the prize, you can visit their website at http://www.born



Competition Time!!

In the run up to Xmas and the peak kiting season for us, We thought it was about time for another competition.  Steffen Born from Born-Kites is sending us a 5.5m LongStar 2 hot off of the presses for review.  We are going to review the kite during our Blow @ Kingston 2017 Meet in January and after that some lucky member will be announced the winner of the kite!  Yep, nearly $1000 of Born-Kite goodness can be all yours!  A big THANK YOU to Born-Kite for supplying us with the LongStar 2.  



Advertising on Extreme Kites

Over the past year Extreme Kites has grown considerably, for the first time in a long time Land Kiting especially in Australia has started to see a small resurgence and growth.  The aim of Extreme Kites is to give kiters a place online to share their knowledge, experience and socialise online which we hope in turn leads to people building friendships.  We've found the more people we reach via the website and welcome in to our community the more these individuals become our friends and meet us on



Extreme Kites T-Shirts

Well it has been a while since Extreme Kites had T-Shirts available!   So without further adieu feel free to pickup a great looking T-Shirt for yourself here ( http://shop.spreadshirt.com.au/xknews/ ) Shipping is Global!   Ordering from Spreadshirt Link: http://shop.spreadshirt.com.au/xknews/ When ordering from Spreadshirt you can choose the colours we've selected for you, or alternatively you can look at all the different garment colours and choose one that you prefer.   S



August 2016 News

Catch up on whats been going on around the community with our August 2016 Newsletter! Flysurfer have been incredibly busy, shots of the new Sonic2-FR have been appearing online and we've got a discussion topic full of them!  Joel Theodore, one of the Extreme Kites Team was fortunate enough to access a prototype Flysurfer Sonic-FR 6M, which leads us to guess that those who were all wanting a smaller than 9M kite should see a 6M as part of the Sonic2-FR range.         Nort



Getting Started with Extreme Kites

Today we've opened a new Getting Started section on Extreme Kites with the aim to build some useful and helpful guides for those just starting their journey. Over the years there's been many helpful discussion topics and a number of online resources for beginners, unfortunately time has claimed both the relevance and existence of many of those resources.  By bringing a fresh set of articles that the community can interact with, comment and update we hope to be able to provide a resource to



World Records on Extreme Kites

Today, Extreme Kites releases a World Kite Records section that allows us to look at the past whilst stepping in to the future.  The new World Kiting Records section is fully uniform with drag & drop uploads for your GPS images and optional GPS data. It's fully searchable with a set of filters allowing you to really drill down in to the information that has set each record.  You can filter to find out whom the fastest pilots in your country are, perhaps you want to know what the top spe



Competition Time!

Win a Pansh Ace II or WeatherFlow Wind Meter ** 3 Runners Up Prizes of Extreme Kites Lanyards ** How to Enter: 1 Entry Point:  Start a New Discussion, receive 1 entry point for every 5 replies received by other members. 15 Entry Points: Invite a friend to join Extreme Kites via the Invite Feature, when the new member makes 5 posts receive 15 Entry Points. Prize Pool: 1st Place: Winner chooses from Pansh Ace II 4.0M or WeatherFlow Wind Meter. 2nd Place: XK Lanyard 3rd P



Invite to Extreme Kites

We've enabled a new Invite System to make bringing your friends along to Extreme Kites even easier!   On the top right there's now an invite icon, which you can press and use to invite your friends, family and kiting buddies.   In your control panel you'll see a list of members invited by you:   When your invitee receives their email and clicks the signup link your referral code is automatically entered in to the signup form.



Because History Matters

Extreme Kites has been around for more than a decade, that's more than 3650 days, 87,600 hours, 5,256,000 minutes, 315,360,000 seconds.  Somewhere along that vast timeline many people have contributed knowledge to the community, they have increased the wealth of information we all share and reference.  This is what makes communities like Extreme Kites amazing places to contribute.   I see content and knowledge shared as part of the journey of this community. Refle



Extreme Kites Blog Competition

  Extreme Kites Blog Competition Pansh Ace II 4.0m or SJCam M10+ Gyro Stabilised Action Camera! 3 Runner Up Prizes of Extreme Kites Lanyards How do I win?? 1 Entry : Follow the XK News Blog Click on "Follow This" on the top of the XK News Blog to be subscribed to the official blog and receive 1 Entry. Link to XK News Blog: http://www.extremekites.com.au/blogs/blog/1-xk-news/ 5 Entries : Create a Qu



Event Albums Imported

HUGE Import in to the Event Albums has taken place bringing back 10 years of Australian kiting history.  I've backdated the Albums and Images, now just finalising some file permissions on some of the images within the albums.  You can jump in and take a look for yourself, we'll also be inserting a number of missing albums from 2010 to 2015 where the images were posted in the Discussion Forums for those events. Link: http://www.extremekites.com.au/gallery/category/



Extreme Kites Reviews

A brilliant new Extreme Kites Reviews section is now live!  We've put together a stunning view of the reviews homepage that works across Desktop, Tablet and Mobile so you can enjoy the latest content on whatever device you're using.   For years people have contributed reviews throughout a Discussion Forum or as a Reply to a Topic.  That information has been helpful, however revisiting that information later on when you need it again has been difficult and the longer time went on the harder revi



Google+ Logins Now Enabled!

Google+ Accounts can now be used to login to Extreme Kites the same way that we have enabled Facebook & Twitter Logins.   New Users simply click the Orange "Sign in with Google" bar.   Existing Users go to "Account Settings," select the "Google" tab then simply click the Orange "Sign in with Google" bar.



Uploading Images with iPad

iPhones & iPads are some of the most popular items used for interacting with Extreme Kites.   This tutorial will focus on how easy it is to upload multiple images at once from your iPad, and very similarly your iPhone. After pressing "Start New Topic," or "Reply to this Topic" of any page the editor appears. 1) Press/Tap "Click to Choose Files. 2) Select/Tap the Album your files are in. 3) Select/Tap which photos you want to upload, you can choose multiple at once by simply tapping them. 4



Facebook & Twitter Login

Facebook and Twitter are two of the internet's juggernauts, chances are you probably already have an account with one of them.  We've made using your existing Facebook or Twitter account to login to Extreme Kites as simple as 1 click! New Users Click Here and choose Facebook or Twitter. Existing User read below to enable Facebook and Twitter logins with your account!           New Users Click Here to Login or use the Login Link at the top of the page, then click on either Facebook



Creating a Blog

So, what on earth do you use a Blog for?  You can use it for anything you like really.  Your favorite kiting trip.....or your worst!  Both.....all of them.  You can talk about what you'd like to achieve, what you have achieved.  You could make it a 'how to' or just your general kiting journey.  Does it have to be about kiting?  Hell no, it's your blog - you could use it to vent about your lousy day at work, or for that matter, what you do at work.  You could use it to talk about all the dreams y



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