Do you have your own Members' Album? The Extreme Kites Gallery has reached over 12,000 images dating back 15 years, to my knowledge this makes it the largest member-contributed gallery of power kiting photos available anywhere on the internet. If you’re not already a part of it join us by creating an Album for yourself, you will be sharing the journey with us in creating this amazing visual timeline of kiting history.
As a Member you can upload images to your own personal Album or you can c
Extreme Kites over the past month has had an enormous influx of content, the challenge now is to make that content discoverable through different parts of the website. To meet that challenge many hands make light work, and I would like to thank @bakersdozen, @andy666, @Mfwetu and @igeighty for stepping up to help.
The first step is for us to work through the 1600+ reviews that now exist on the website and apply the relevant tags and filters so that the reviews can be easily discovered and
Project Salvage : Restoring 15 Years of Kite Reviews.
RaceKites was an example of a collective human effort coming together to build the largest, dedicated online repository of kiting reviews. In 2019 RaceKites went offline, today I would like to share that the sum of all that knowledge is coming to Extreme Kites.
Alan Short, the owner of RaceKites was responsible for building and maintaining the platform for nearly 15 years containing over 1500 reviews. I’d like to acknowledge the th
It’s no secret that Land Kiting over the past decade has suffered a loss of momentum, as the number of kiters has reduced the fragmentation of the community has increased. This has accelerated how disjointed we are as a community from resources that were once easier to access.
Today Extreme Kites has moved to a .ORG domain to clearly signal to everyone that we want you to join us and be part of our community. To help bring more of us together from all over the world, and in turn hopefully
Today I’m adding an additional section to Extreme Kites called ‘The Library.’ The first part of the Library is the downloads area and this is a place where the community can share files, PDFs, Drawings, Line Plans, Tweaks, Manuals and even old brochures that evoke a feeling of nostalgia. I’ve kept it simple to start and as each category grows they’ll be sub-divided in to clearer and more identifiable categories.
It’s in its early infancy, however keep an eye on it as I feed more and m
Project Salvage : Restoring 20 Years of Kiting History.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be working to restore the content that was once available on Flexifoil Forums / Kitecrowd.
I’ll be attempting to restore nearly 20 years of kiting history where there were nearly 2 million contributions made by thousands of individuals.
It’s something personal for me, my first years of Kiting the Flexifoil Forums provided so much wealth of information. With kitecrowd, foilzone, arcusers, race