SnowKiting, smooth, soft powdered freedom. Never ski uphill again.
Discuss Tips, Tricks and Preparation Methods for the colder months.
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Snowkiting the very peaks and flying down
Last reply by Riley Bangerter, -
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May 2022 Cy Conrad & Gav Mulvay. Double traverse from Exit glacier 7 days, fly in ski out, 1 big angry storm in a small flappy tent. Good times. cruzin.mp4
Last reply by jeffnyc, -
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All, With the season in Norway almost over i wonder if there is snokiting being done in Greenland (without the expedition part) ? Sure one can fly there and let up is foil wing and make km's but wonder if there are any "snokite spots where tourists and locals are going for the weekend or short trips like we do on Norway on the Hardangervida?
Last reply by Peter Van De Walle, -
- 7 replies
Has anyone any experience of going to either of these countries snowkiting. Looking to go around Feb time any info would be great. Thanks hopefully someone will have some info Mary
Last reply by Marek Wajha, -
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Last reply by Juan Valdez, -
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"3 men, 9 kites and 330 kg food and equipment…that was needed for a 27 day crossing over the Greenland ice cap: powered by only wind. Adventurers Eric Leegwater (NL), Bjorn Wils (DK) and Carl Alvey (NO) used snowkites to cover a 2620 km distance in complete absence of any civilization. An absolute absurd trip" New video and news covering the Greenland Snowkite Crossing. Blog:
Last reply by Darren, -
- 11 replies
It has been an interesting journey to Zac and my first snow kiting session. It all started with those far and few in-between posts from around the global of snow kiting and me thinking I’d like to do that. Back in Oz, it was some thing like a six hour drive just to get there, and to start with apart from the kites we did not have the gear. So lot’s of questions to those on the EK that might know thing about Snow kiting (thanks @clive and @goshen), slowly the picture came together. Then came the big move from Australia to New Zealand - South Island - Christchurch, snow kiting would finally become a reality. First step was to pick whether we were to ski or snow board, since…
Last reply by MichaelMox, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, Thought it was about time I uploaded some content. This was shot on a weekend of snowkiting back in September 2017 . . . yes I am a bit slow when it comes to editing ? Light conditions but great snow. It was my son's first time on a snowboard / snowkiting and he is now hooked!
Last reply by Rudy 67, -
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Its been a while since seeing a Chasta snow kite video!
Last reply by Mfwetu, -
Now this scary. Pretty much dead if things go wrong
Last reply by Kamikuza, -
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Last reply by Jason, -
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Snow season just about to begin in the South Island of New Zealand, hmm what’s on the check list and to do’s ... On one of my last snow kiting sessions on a snowboard, Zac and I decided to try altering the snow boot angle from the standard alpine stance to a more duck orientation when we snow board with the kites. Zac liked the change and I hated it. For me it immediately induced yaw wobbles into the board that I could not stop, so I changed back to the alpine stance. So has any one else experienced the same instabilities? What was your solution? Sure my board for kiting with the alpine stance as a bias depending on whether I kite left or right but seems to wor…
Last reply by SoutherlyBuster, -
- 2 replies
Biggest Avalanches Ever Filmed. Amazing!!!
Last reply by SoutherlyBuster, -
- 1 reply
Cool video from Lolo BSD sharing his Christmas Day Snowkite session at Lautaret Pass.
Last reply by DrWind, -
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- 18 replies
Really excited about snowkiting this winter, Last year i had a broken shoulder and new born son, so this year im doing double to make up for my lack of riding in 2016. In Preperation:- My wife and work have been informed of my plans to ride lots. I have purchased seasons and resort access passes for Falls creek (because conditions can never be counted on). Lodge bookings have been made, with flexibility. Lots of good deeds and Karma points, which will hopefully be exchanged for great conditions. Share the stoke, so please make yourself known if you plan on riding Falls, post your trip details, photos etc. Enjoy, Karl Lapwood. …
Last reply by SoutherlyBuster, -
I just got home from 10days at Hotham with the kids. Anyone who knows Hotham knows the summit. This dude drops a board on the ground, pops a yakuza in the air and screams up the hill, scares piss out of all the people going down. Loved it. Who are you? You are freaking mad.
Last reply by Landslide, -
- 7 replies
Enjoyable video... lots of powder going everywhere!
Last reply by Kiwikarl, -
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Not very far....
Last reply by nigel, -
- 1 reply
This is pretty cool, four LEI's in a stack like Arcs!
Last reply by andy666, -
- 1 reply
@socommk233 posted a video on his profile of an F-One kite with hangtime today, and it reminded me of this which about a week ago became 10 years old on YouTube. I don't think this is the original upload however to this day I think it's one of the ultimate hangtime videos.
Last reply by socommk233, -
- 1 reply
I have just returned from a week in Norway where I assisted Windriders in a Snow Kite Course with Meloy Adventure. Sadly the wind was pretty light all week, apparently this is unheard of in this area but it didn't not stop everyone having fun and learning a whole load too. We had an epic week of adventure regardless of the winds, with plenty of sledding, hiking mountains to the glaciers and also hiking up the mountains with skins in the middle of the night under just the light of the moon...a truly awesome place! There is another course coming very soon.. Here are some photos from the adventure. …
Last reply by slide, -
- 4 replies
Thought I'd upload some old kiteskiing pics from 2001 and 2003. The earlier ones are with skis and handles, yet I determined that bars and snowboards made much more sense. Kites were PL 5.7 Waterfoil (very early days) and PL 1120 ARC (way ahead of its time). I have some accompanying video though I need to wait a week for Vimeo to reset my quota (free account :-) ). Snowkiting is amazing, and Australia is the perfect place for it (undulating hills). From Scotts chair out to Mt McKay is my favorite spot. Close enough to be rescued (if needs be) yet far enough to enjoy the silence!
Last reply by Karl G Lapwood, -
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- 5 replies
Ever had the feleling of nausia whilst up on the snow hills skiing or snowboarding? Happened to me this weekend. I was totally free of alchohol for the whole week, so definitely no hang over. No flue either. The conditions were 200 meters of visibility, no trees on the slopes and not too many visual cues. Got that bad, I had to make my way down the slope very gradually, have break for an hour or so before I could have another go, only to get nausia again. The swaying of the ski lift did not help either. In contrast my son had no trouble what so ever. Well looks like I am not the only one and they have a name for it, Ski Sickness. Dr Hausler in 1995 experienced it fir…
Last reply by Chook, -
- 9 replies
Now that I live in the Canterbury region of New Zealand with close proximity to the snow country (1.5 to 2 hrs), my son and I would like to extend our land (landboards) and water (kite surfing) activities into the snow. Neither one of us have ever skied nor snow boarder before, but talking to people at work that snow board, reckon it will not take long for us to get the knack of it, considering our landboard, kite surfing and skate board experience. So I have some questions and seek advice to get off on the right foot ( well I'm standard and my son is goofy so go figure). First off is it feasible to combine snowboarding and kiting in the snow country near the Ca…
Last reply by TheVelcroCats, -
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Lotsa fun in the snow with the Boost 2 and Speed 5...
Last reply by jhn.holgate,