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nigel last won the day on November 17 2023

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About nigel

  • Birthday 02/28/1973

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  1. Bad isn't the word. The forecast for the whole weekend has been turned on it's head!! There was ment to be a cool change arriving some time Sunday, the BOM said a few days back. Not now!! Northerlies the whole weekend, and Mother Nature has decided that Summer is going out with a blast! Saturday 39 Sunday 38 Monday 38 Put the buggies back in the shed, and grab the boogie boards. Or turn on the A/C and sink a few cold ones.......
  2. From Melbourne to Saudi Arabia, flying larger-than-life kites has taken the Baker family all over the world - ABC News The Local Baker family, live, breath, and make kites. A one family kite festival!
  3. 50/50 If the wind holds out, I am itching to come and join you.
  4. Greetings All. Hope you had a great Christmas. The Flash Mob Kite Fliers are hitting Dingley tomorrow (29th) from 12-4pm. At Spring Road Reserve, Dingley Village. Forecast for 20 degrees, partly cloudy, and light winds becoming southerly 15 to 25 km/h in the morning. All kites and kiters welcome. Dust off the toys and hit the skys!
  5. New Video up on Youtube: Now somebody tell them to make me a kite buggy, and a kite bike.
  6. Welcome to Extremekites madadz88!! Lots of places to fly static around Melbourne. My old haunting ground, Moran Reserve. Moran Reserve - City of Port Phillip Located in St Kilda, very central if your CBD or close by. If you want to come south around the bay. As mentioned, The flash mob kite fliers (I am one of them) hit Spring Road reserve in Dingley Village. This place is huge!!!!! It was an old tip, and has now been grassed over. Due to the contents underneath, no trees can be put in. It is elevated above the surrounds, and is good in almost any wind dirrection. Another option is Bicenntinial Park Chelsea. Go to Sturdee Street, and follow the road around the back of the netball courts to the dog park area, plenty of parking (but not if there is netball on!!) and park before it turns into Argyle Av. There is a big hill in the South West corner, good for any wind from the South. No good for NW'ers, as it comes over the big row of pine trees, and is usually lumpy and pulsing. If you want sand under your feet, there is just enough room at Mordilloc Beach. Fly on the beach on the North side of the Mordilloc Creek. There is Apex Park, Altona (Western side of Melbourne) as well. But I have not been there in years to say if it is still suitable. Hope that helps. Do you still have the buggy? Is it on it's way out here as well? Always happy to have more Buggyers
  7. Well the silly season is almost upon us. So as I have been trying for the last 12 months to get a buggy run in, now seems to be the best chance. With most people's work finishing up before Christmas, we just need to time dates with suitable tide times. Waratah Bay Low tide times: Monday 18th Dec. 10.36am Tuesday 19th, 11.23am Wednesday 20th, 12.10pm Thursday 21st, 1.00pm Friday 22nd, 1.53pm Saturday 23rd, 2.49pm Sunday 24th, 3.48pm Christmas day. Boxing day. Wednesday 27th, 6.37pm Thursday 28th, 7am + 7pm Friday 29th, 8am + 8pm Saturday 30th, 9am + 9pm Sunday 31st, 9.51am Monday 1st Jan. 10.33am Tuesday 2nd, 11.13am Wednesday 3rd, 11.51am Thursday 4th, 12.29pm Friday 5th, 1.09pm Saturday 6th, 1.52pm Sunday 7th, 2.38pm Monday 8th, 3.29pm Tuesday 9th, 4.24pm Wednesday 10th, 5.18pm If people are free, the 3-4 days before Christmas look great. But the best chance for a perfect day is the week long stretch from Dec. 31st to the 7th of Jan. So dust off the buggies, check the bearings, and give the kites a once over (Blokarts and mountain boards welcome). I am itching for a buggy this silly season.
  8. A big Happy 50th Birthday to Peter Lynn Kites!! If you want to be part of the festivities, they are live streaming on Facebook on Saturday the 4th of November. From my first steps into kite flying way back in 1988, all the way to today, Peter Lynn kites have been a staple for me. Power kites are where I have enjoyed the most fun, and combined with my first buggy (a PL Comp), many years of fun and friendship has been had. Pictured is just the PL kites, and the long suffering (24 year old) Comp buggy that has had all parts replaced a minimum of twice, except the down tube. Which is the only original part!! The kite list: Holding a PL sunrise Delta, one 3.6 Peel, 6 C-Quads 1.4 to 8.5, 5.7 Waterfoil, 5.6 Twister, 2 Core's (3m and 4m), and 8 ARC's (original 1120, 6m Phantom, 7 and 10 Scorpion, a 13m Phantom-Scorpion hybrid and 10m bridled ARC from the skunk works of the PL factory, and a 6m and 15m Mark 2 Phantom's. And the future? Well I seem to have corrupted my 10 year old son into kites as well. So with a nice selection of kites to choose from there is no doubt that he will also enjoy using PL kites for many years to come. To all the current and past people involved at PL kites, Thank you for the many years of enjoyment that I have had with the products that you have created. Here's to many more good times, with our community of kite friends all over the world. Happy Birthday Peter Lynn Kites!!!!
  9. Bugger!!! Current forecast puts the wind a bit lighter on Sunday. Wind staying very light (sub 5 knots) over most of the state, but picks up a little during the afternoon. So no usable wind till the afternoon at Sandy Point, and a 1pm low tide. It doesn't work. So sorry folks, I will not be going. BUT, if you have Saturday free, the forecast is looking almost like the original Sunday forecast. So, an almost perfect onshore at 5-10 knots for the day, and a noon (12.17pm) low tide. Pity I have a family event to be at.
  10. All right buggy nuts. The wind god's seem to be in line with the tide god's. Sunday is looking like a cross on-shore, very light in the morning, but a nice solid 10+ knots by 5pm. Low tide is at 1pm. I need a buggy, and I can take my 10 year old kite monster, AKA, Alex, with me. He has a mountain board which he has never used with a kite before, and I am sure I could get him to fit my little PL buggy, for a first time solo run. Anyone interested???? Blokarts welcome too.
  11. Well Make that a double The weather has not decided to play ball. Big storms coming in from the North West, and the rain (good for the farmers), but no joy for us who wish to hit the beaches. All winds for the next week are all North West! So is this the new normal? Due to Global Warming? Who knows? But I do know that I am in need of a buggy. I will be watching the tides and crossing my fingers that I may get out before the end of the year, so stay tuned fellow kiters. PS. Good to hear from you Clive. Fingers crossed we can catch up on the beach in the near future?
  12. Any interested takers? With the weather getting worse (Winter is coming), it means some nice South Westers, or Southerlies could be around. So with that in mind, low tides at 10:11am (Sat), 11:02am (Sun), 11:55am (Mon), and three days off, anyone?? Got a Buggy here that had it's last run pre Covid, and a Dirtsurfer to try on the beach.
  13. nigel


    Nice. My daughter would love that colour. Pity I'm in Vic.
  14. I second bakers comments above. And Welcome! A 10m depower is mid range and should be a good fit. You might even want a little bigger if your looking at the lower performance end of a kite range. My tip is to get a higher performance kite in the larger sizes (less wind, better performance, faster turning and handling), and go for the lower aspect kites in the bottom sizes. They will have more gust munching ability (they will be used in stronger winds) and not be as "on edge" to fly compared to a higher performance kite.
  15. https://www.fallshaw.com.au/ Melbourne based and they sell the "normal" buggy tyres, and plastic rims. Got a set or two of these tyres and rims, and the plastic rims are almost indestructible. And as mentioned, a hardware store or tyre shop can help you. Used both before.
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