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Everything posted by Longbow

  1. Would you like to kite with us, eh?
  2. I personally have never seen anyone want to sell a libre buggy. Must be good..
  3. You are all crazy. In a good way.
  4. When theres no wind, i have RC. =)
  5. I think thats how that guy went over 100 in a PL with a C kite. Power straight to the buggy and lotsa weight.
  6. You hardwired the kite to the buggy? Are you attached in any way to the kite or buggy?
  7. Are the sets outa the way in bowenwood yet?
  8. Longbow


    Well, Marchant park, depending on the day (cricket). Plenty of space tho. Murrarie of course, Couple small spots at pine rivers. Straddie? Never been there myself, sounds good tho.
  9. Longbow


    Depends, what side are you on?
  10. Longbow


    Mojo I was there last year, and i hope to be there this year.
  11. Looks fast just sittin there!
  12. Longbow


    Yeah, Reasonably reguarly. It is (was?) indeed a dump in the past. Yes, there would be thermals generated there, but i've never had any problems with holding down kites. Also while thermals are generated at ground level, they have very little effect on anything untill about 50-60 feet up. ( I fly RC sailplanes, just so you know) My personal hate about murrarie? Its pretty bumpy. On the ol' PL at about 40k's it starts chattering like it's gonna fall apart. The bumps also limit speed a bit in a buggy, i've never had a problem on a board tho. Sluggo flys there a bit, so he could probably give another perspective on the place.
  13. Longbow


    Too windy for thermals there most of the time, mojo. Unless you fly over the tin sheds there. The concrete criket pitches are good at the end of a high speed buggy run. Bumpity bump bump, (cricket pitch) Smoooooth, Bump, Powerslide.
  14. Longbow


    Cheers Sluggo!
  15. Longbow


    Or maybe the cyclists, if you head out that early. And possibley the trees, eh sluggo?
  16. So they have, bloody tophat!
  17. Haha, I wonder if he can do a christ air as well?
  18. =) Supa fun racey time!
  19. Thats not a doser, thats a new type of buggy. =p
  20. Somebody get the buggy, we have major traction potential!
  21. Are you getting that desperate joel? I shall keep an eye on this, just in case it isn't as bad as i think it will be.
  22. There was some huuuge boosts in that lot. Nice gap that they jumped too. Big airtime.
  23. Haha, i know some guys that wanted to fly Rc Planes in that. Woulda needed a ton of lead.
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