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Everything posted by Sirbo

  1. They zoomed in on him because he is Walther Tröger who was the president of the national Olympic committee for Germany from 1992 to 2002. The whole Nazi thing has been blown a bit out or proportion.
  2. I'm selling my 8m Catalyst to raise money so I can buy a new car. The kite is in superb condition and had only been flown by me about 6 times for no more than 20 minutes each time. No rips or pinpricks. The guy I bought it from last year had a full Catalyst quiver bought new and again only used it a handful of times. I bought it in the hope of moving onto the water but never got around to it. I'm selling everything but the bar/lines (Kite, Backpack, Stuff sack etc.) Looking for £375 including postage. Bank transfer is preferred. http://getfly.in/catsale/Bag.jpg http://getfly.in/catsale/Cat1.jpg http://getfly.in/catsale/Cat2.jpg http://getfly.in/catsale/Cat3.jpg http://getfly.in/catsale/Cat4.jpg
  3. I'm selling my CAMRIG Strut Mount due to the fact I've only been able to use it twice in the time I've had it. It's practically new. It's designed to attach a load of different cameras to the middle strut of an LEI kite but the most popular choice seems to be the trusty old GoPro. http://getfly.in/Strutmount.jpg For more information have a look at their website here or their Facebook page here. I'm looking for £55 posted. I paid £90 to have it imported from America so I'm selling it cheap compared to one bought direct. This could be you: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419764_247110832040623_693008793_n.jpg
  4. When I first saw this picture I assumed it was taken just before it slammed back down into the water. Nope.. it looks like they can cruise along like this for friggin' ages.
  5. My advice for your website. Put it on some decent (paid hosting) hosting and remove all of the ads. You need it to reflect the work you do if you want anyone to take it seriously.
  6. I like riding down but not up.
  7. I can't be the only one hoping the vid would end with him getting some sense knocked into him.
  8. ^ haha pretty much! Yeah loving the phantom. Launching is still a bit of a challenge but once it's up it's sweet as.
  9. Sweet video. A 12m phantom 2 will definitely be my next kite. The original 12m is friggin amazing though so I wont be upgrading for any time soon.
  10. You're right but I was thinking of the threads like the pimped board and buggy threads. It would make it easier to look through the pictures.. and I love the pictures.
  11. I actually quite like the big "Likes" thing at the top right of the page. Could make it easier to see all the good posts in the multi page threads.
  12. There's 'Likes Given' and 'Likes Received' in profiles now too. I don't really see the point.
  13. If anyone needs a spare I managed to buy a pack of 100 so I can send some around.
  14. The camera is tough as nails so it should be fine using the sticky mounts on the board as long as everything's tight so it doesn't move when you land. I tried it on mine but had the wrong size thumb screw so couldn't get it tight enough.
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