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I've been kiting for awhile.  I've only skateboarded/longboarded for the last year.  I've combined both hobbies which is great.  However, I've neglected walking the dogs for awhile.  Tonight I tried having my female heinz 57 dog "Roxie" pull me on the skateboard around the neighborhood.  It was awesome!  She and I both loved it.  I'll have to try my male lab next.  Plenty of low end grunt but dumber than a box of rocks so not sure how it will go.  Funny how the neighbors waved and smiled tonight.  If I skateboard around the neighborhood without a dog, I just get weird stares.



sorry about the bad picture.  I couldn't get either one to stand still.

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2 hours ago, SoutherlyBuster said:

Cool Ssayre, the closest we have is a tad opposite, we push our cat around on our skate board (in doors mind you). We don't have a big cat like a Maine  Coon, so no harnessing up :) . Must be amusing when your dog goes off on a tangent heading under a fence or similar?



She's only pulled me once so far, but there were other dogs and distractions along the way that she handled pretty good.  She would veer off course but since I can steer the board away, it will put enough tension on the leash in the desired direction that she will quickly get back on track.  She's 11 so she does much better than a young dog at staying focused and keeps the pace very reasonable as well.  I imagine a young strong dog would be ripping down the street.  I take it very easy on her and push along if there is even a slight uphill grade.  Level or downhill is extremely easy for her.  Rolling resistance is very low.  In fact it's a balancing act of pushing occasionally and having her pull me because too much leash tension gives her the signal that I want her to stop just like when normally walking.  So if I want her to stay moving at a good pace, I have to make sure leash tension is very light.  The less tension, the faster she goes.  It's kind of a built in speed check.

you just need a team of cats. :eek:

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got that covered Steve.  I'm picking up one of those leashes that lets out when you release a button.  That way I can "depower" the leash when needed to keep her up to speed while I catch up when needed. :lol:

Last night I tried riding with my big dumb lab.  Just as suspected, he can tear my arm off suddenly, then stop just as suddenly to pee on a pole.  Didn't work out good at all.  His name is Bear which is fitting since he likes to mull drywall, wood trim and siding.  Roxie is my goto for the skateboard.  She seems to understand exactly what it is we're doing and really likes to get out for a run.

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Nice one Sean. A video would make my day???

I had a sausage dog when I was a kid but the only fun I had with that was to lower it out the window from my bedroom using a rope tied to a wicker basket while my parents were entertaining in the lounge below. Never occurred to me to try and get traction from it. Probably wouldn't have been practical anyway seeing as she was long and bottomed out all the time.

The retractable leash idea is great. Need to see please.

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2 hours ago, RedSky said:

Probably wouldn't have been practical anyway seeing as she was long and bottomed out all the time.

I think that would be a hi aspect ratio dog

2 hours ago, RedSky said:

The retractable leash idea is great. Need to see please.

If, as said above, loose lead makes the dog go faster this may not be the best way to depower

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22 hours ago, jhn.holgate said:

Lets see.....cam on the dog looking forward, cam on the dog looking back, cam on the front edge of the skateboard looking at the dog....leash cam....helmet cam....passer by cam.......low sidewalk cam.......:grin:


23 hours ago, RedSky said:

Nice one Sean. A video would make my day???

I had a sausage dog when I was a kid but the only fun I had with that was to lower it out the window from my bedroom using a rope tied to a wicker basket while my parents were entertaining in the lounge below. Never occurred to me to try and get traction from it. Probably wouldn't have been practical anyway seeing as she was long and bottomed out all the time.

The retractable leash idea is great. Need to see please.

I'll get some video at some point.  I like the idea of an angle from the dog looking back at rider and rider looking forward. 

Friends of ours have a couple wiener dogs.  I'm amazed at how they have been able to mangle the bottom of their chain link fence.  They said they do that by chewing on it if I remember right.

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