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    Ozone Razor 4.5M

    After flying an N-gen and thinking hey I am the greatest, but at the same time watching everyone around me fly by I upgraded. Many months of tossing and turning at night, I chose the Razor. I agree with most others comments, at first this kite is difficult to like, but that is only a temporary setback. And one that isn't left to linger in the back of your mind for long. Reason being that it flys like nothing else, that is if it is flown correctly.

    These kites are a race Kite they have to be going forward to perform at there best, they aren't a lazy mans sit overhead and look good machine. They arent a park on the edge of the window and hey look Im cruising. although saying this I have overtaken many a Race kite with my 4.5 parked and the other kites being bigger are working hard to try and stay ahead. They definetely aren't a jumping kite as the aspect ratio would suggest they have little if no upward pulling when overhead, it is all forward moving grunt.

    They do not know how to go slow, they will fly right out of the window and collapse, they will very rarely but occasionaly fly over your head and luff. But that is while you are standing on the beach stationary. Once your seated hold on for the ride of your life the acceleration of the kite is un-rivaled by any other kite.

    Ozone have incorperated some good ideas into the Razor, velcro dump valves in the wing tips for removing excess sand etc. Another velcro tab in the centre vent on the leading edge for keeping the bridles tangle free at all times. Pre-sewn loops on the break lines for easy attachment to an anchor point on the ground. Plastic sleeves over flying lines to protect fingers from chaffing. The inboard positioning of the break lines is a new innovation and seems to be very effective from reports I have read. And all the bridle joins are sewn not tied very clean and strong attachments.

    The kites design is second to none and its overall appearance is just fantastic, it just looks awe-inspiring in the air with its lightning bolt type graphics on the back.

    When it comes to brakes and the razors I have found this, the smaller 2.5 does not need any brake on at all to fly fast, a nice loop in the rear lines is all that is needed to produce a race winning performance, these little kites turn on a dime and pull like a steam train. As for the 4.5 I also fly with no brake on, and find it is just unreal. I have experimented with having more and less brakes whilst flying, by having several more knots in the power lines and break lines at the handles and just shortening and lengthening them. I found that as soon as a little break was applied to the kite they just would'nt take off as well or produce any where near as much pull.


    As for the larger kites I am waiting for mine to arrive, and frankly am killing myself in anticipation, so I don't know how they will perform best but will let you know in the future. Turning the kite is a break assisted thing with the larger kites, that is if you want to sign it quickly. Otherwise flying it with just the power lines is just as effective. I found that I could sit just off the rear of another kite, break the kite slightly to slow it and then release it quickly to power up once again. The resulting effect was like getting a boost increase in a turbo, it would accelerate you forward and would eventually overtake the kite you were once following.

    The up-wind performance is very much on par with any other kites on the market, baring maybe the c-quad, it will go 45 to 55 degrees upwind depending on the conditions and still maintain at least half wind speed. The kites also seem to need a few good flying sessions to break them in, whilst new they are a lttle reluctant to fully inflate and fly fast, but this shyness is only temporary. After a few good sessions they seem to find their feet and really start performing, I found it rather strange and unnerving.

    I have only found a few things about the kites I don't like and these are only minor points.

    Handles : I believe they have changed their handles recently and may have fixed this problem up. The plastic tube covering the flying lines to protect your fingers from rubbing, after time comes out. This in itself is no real drama but the hole in the handle is left larger and the knot seems to start pulling thru the handles. Although a quick re- tying of the knots to increase their size fixes this problem.

    And the bag : be very careful when packing up, they are great bags but Zips and kites are a deadly combination. Just ensure that the kite doesn't get pinched by the zipper as this will produce a weak spot and will tear in time.

    The other, is its stability on the ground it is almost like it is uncomfortable being shackled to the ground. Even using the provided loops on the break lines for anchoring down, the razor will quite often flare up and try to take to the sky. The overall result at worst is a little bit of a twisted line. But becomes annoying at times and could have potential for injury, so I weigh down whenever possible if leaving unattended for any period of time.

    Packing up the kite for the first few times was a little tricky as the handles are covered from head to toe with neoprene. This makes for a very comfortable handle but doesnt grip the lines very well when they are wound onto the handles. The lines tend to slip and slide a little resulting in the occasional tangle. I have found a method on the web, where you fold up the kite and put in bag first, then stuff all the lines into one side of the bag beside the kite. Then place the handles on the other side of the kite in the bag, when unpacking just take out handles stake down walk out letting line spool out. Once at the end of lines lay out kite and walk back to handles, very quick, and no tangles. Do the opposite on packing up and it is a very effective one man launch and pack up procedure, in high winds. The packing takes a little longer but well worth the effort in the long run less tight wrapping of the lines.

    But overall these kites are definetely for the experienced flyer who is after a thrill machine, nothing will come close to you once you master the Razor, and as the name suggests you will cut the field to pieces.

    By : Troy Woollett

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