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  • marsonpee

    Peter Lynn Guerilla II 11m

    Upon searching for an extremely stable depowerable i came across the guerilla from peter lynn.

    I opted for an 11m because i wanted to use it in similar winds to my PKD Buster 5.5 which is really nice at 15mph.

    The guerilla is a completely different kite in the way you look after it on land and in the sky. This kite is the most stable thing i have ever flown and has tons of lift if you need it because of its high aspect ratio (5.0 same as a blade 4.9).

    I recently used it last weekend for the first time with my ATB and it was the most fun time i have ever had, the wind was about 15mph and i was reaching 31mph on my ATB before i ran out of space.It felt completely safe with no sudden power increases or surges, just smooth acceleration that didnt stop, im sure i could of gone a lot faster with more space!

    When i tried jumping with this i was pleasantly surprised by the lift, it is absolutly amazing and it is easy to go high. Even though it has amazing lift and height it isnt dangerous, it feels safe and you land smoothly with the kites floaty characteristics. The kite handles exceptionally well in the sky, it never luffs or falls out the sky, in a session i can keep it up most of the time other than the occasional time ive fallen off and forgotten to steer the kite back to the top.

    Unfortunately i have not got the hang of the way the kite likes to steer, i can swing the kite around etc as normal but when i do jumps i dont seem to be able to get the kite back to the other side, i think it comes with practice so im not really worried about it. The 11m compared to the 13m is quite different, on the same day i first tried it i also had a go on the 13m and found that because the 11m is faster your acceleration and cruising is extremely fast.

    Obviously the 13m is bigger so has more lift, but for cruising in the same wind the 11m is better and seems to be more powerful. On the ground the guerilla (as with most arcs im sure) the handling is aweful, this kite seems to behave like a small child and is awquard to launch etc once landed or the safety has released. I spend a lot of time untangling lines and sorting out whats gone wrong. This is a small sacrifice for such a stable kite as the only time it ever comes down is if you need a rest or in an emergency.

    The safety system actually works and the kite falls down with virtually no power at all, once landed you can (depending on wind speed) attach your safety leash to your ATB whilst you sort out the kite. Launching is pretty easy if the kite doesnt play up (sometimes the edge flaps about and the lines wrap under the kite).

    Auto -zenith i hear you cry! whats it like? does it work? well the answer is yes and no: if the kite is powered up and its fairly consistent wind then it will pretty much stay at the top, but if there is gusty wind the kite tends to drift left and right quite far down at the edges and then drifts back to the zenith, if you are underpowered and the kite is just flying then dont expect the auto-zenith to work as you will need to keep the kite moving to keep it up.

    Overall (breathes) this kite is worth it for those looking for a really stable kite with oodles of lift BUT is not advised for impatient people due to its annoying nature on the ground.

    By : marsonpee

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    Review additions: For my weight of 10 stone (62kg?) i become overpowered in gusty 25mph winds, if it were smooth then i would possibly be able to hold it down to 30mph. In these winds the lift is insane! you shoot up extremely fast to easily 3m/15ft with proper technique then float and float and float for what seems to be an eternity.I have learnt that this kite will jus tabout fly in 10mph an produce power to just get going, you will however have to carve back when turning to stop it from stalling. I have now learnt the technique for redirecting after a jump, it is something like direct kite then as soon as you leave the ground you redirect then hopefuly you should be pretty much sorted for redirection.

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