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Posts posted by Airborne1599968603

  1. Sorry Chivalry, I could have sworn I had this on my home PC but can't find it anywhere.


    It is a great trouser-filling clip showing what happens when you take a BIII 8.5 out in gale force winds...


    Now where the hell did I save it...?

  2. Blade II 2M - I know this is the third nomination for one of these but they really are that good. Besides if I did sell it who knows if I'd be able to get another -they're extremely hard to come by...


    At the other end of the spectrum it would be a wrench to get rid of my B III 8.5, things would need to be really bad.


    And then again, the 4.9...and the 3.3...and the Trampa...no, I'd have to keep the lot:D

  3. I wanted exactly the same things you want - a low wind jumping machine to alongside other Blades including a BIII 4.9.

    I read the posts and went for the Bego 600 and it was good, but still not enough power in low winds - it flew OK but didn't generate thepower that I'd hoped for (still loved it though).

    I sold the Bego to fund an 8.5 and I can certainly say that there is a big difference in low wind power & lift between the BIII 8.5 and the Bego, let alone the 4.9.

    It turns pretty quickly and the lift is awesome - looking at 4 ft jumps in 4-5 mph without really trying.

    If this is what you crave forget anything else - the BIII 8.5 is the Holy Grail.

  4. so what wind speed do they start gettin interesting in???

    It's surprising how little wind they will fly in - and because they are so nippy it's like flying a stunt kite.

    Once the wind gets over 18-20mph they are a real blast - but watch the sudden lift if a gust comes because they will drop you like a stone.

  5. The most frightening kite I have - moves like greased weasels pi55 through the window in a decent wind and can bite bloody hard.


    One of my all time fave's...


    Oh, and as DMB says, raspberry ones are definitely just that little bit better.

  6. Have you tried a caravan awning bag, yes it's not COOL but theyre only about 15 quid, strong and huge. You can get them from most caravan shops.

    Lateral thinking - nice.


    But as you say, definitely not cool...

  7. The 8.5 and 10.6m Yoz are just as good, and probably just as nimble as the U-Turn. Power is comparable and both can come with a depower system. I buggy with the 8.5 a lot and it pulls like a train from 8mph up. The 10.6 has a smaller woind range but is a seriously nice kite. The blades don't come close as they have too much lift for buggying.

    Are you on commision by any chance????

    But these will be double the price of the Oxigen...hardly a fair comparison.

  8. Just bought a Trampa Scrub ATB over the net for £169...this will be my first board, which I will use for general knocking about and falling over.

    Was this rash impulse buy a wise move for a first board and have I got a reasonable deal?


    Or should I have stuck with something more mainstream?


    Also I'm around 11 3/4 st. and have gone for the 14 ply version which should be right for my build - would the 12 ply been a better bet?


    Questions, questions...

  9. Someone posted this link on the Castle Hill Flyers site. Don't know who it is, what kite or how he ended up but this has to be the longest hangtime I have ever seen over land except maybe the kite loop video with the Ozone guy using a Frenzy and doing 3 kite lopps in one go. That had depower though and this kite (Blade???) certainly hasn't!


    Hope he was OK cos the landing looked a bit nasty.


    Do NOT try this if you do not know what you are doing or want the continued use of your legs. If you do do this sort of thing please wear pads and a helmet at least.



    I remember reading the original thread for this clip (was it Motty?) I seem to recall the kite was a BIII 8.5 and was in the really strong winds we had around 4-5 weeks ago. Obviously this is not the sort of thing you should be trying unless you are particularly partial to hospital food...

  10. The Blade 6.6m you mention is a good match for the Bego 600, they are about equal on power with the Bego having the low wind edge but the Blade scoring in both wider wind range and far superior build quality.

    Totally disagree that the Blade has far superior build quality over the Bego - there is nothing to choose between them as far as build goes - both well built and will last a lifetime if treated well.

  11. Same lines as dmb on my little raspberry flavoured number. Absolute scream to fly - fast, agile and still plenty of punch - it's like a stunt/power kite hybrid.


    One of my all time fav's.

  12. Power ring offset length is important but also we have found that high and low positions have some cool changes. We have found that:


    1) High ring connection(right at the top,bridle junction) and short offsets( around 5 to 6 inches). This setting seems to have the most lift. Above 10mph wind is where this setting has real good pop and float. Seems to slow the kite down quite rapidly when brakes are applied lightly(basically lighter than the lower power ring setting) but still keeps good inflation and shape. And will easily reaccellerate without a hiccup or stall. Handling is very nimble with possible oversteers and unwanted spins(this comes under control very quickly but will catch you off guard at first). This setting is what I use for static flying, Jumping, kiteboarding, snowkiting.


    2)Low ring connection(as low as you can go) and long offsets( 7 to 9 inches). A bit speeder than the high ring setting. Handling is less radical, kite tracks much better than higher/short setting. This setting, performance wise is not much different than "no rings" but this setting has better brake feel/control than "no rings". Still has good pop and lift but not like the higher/short setting. Most folks here like this setting for the lighter wind range. This setting is what I use for light wind static flying, buggying and long distance enduro snowkiting.


    Plus in the middle of these two setting flys real good too. Giving you close to the best of the other two settings. IMHO most folks will like this setting(about halfway to 3 quarters of the way down the powerline bridle leader and about 6 inches of offset)


    I don't so much like this kite for what it is. I like for what you can make it.


    We have just started playing around with fixed adjustments of AOA. This kite can be very fast or it can actually have a little more lift. But I can't say any more till we really get it all worked out.


    By the way power rings suck compared to the Ronstan kite pulley(we get them here for 3 euros). 5 grams of weight and good to 660lbs. They are so smooth. Actually these pulleys are what makes the high postion work. Regular rings in the high position hang up the brake line a little.

    Ronstan Kite pulleys heh?


    Any idea where we can get them mailed to the UK Blazingskibum - these sound good.

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