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Everything posted by Airborne1599968603

  1. Let her have a go - she might just like it. This of course opens up all sorts of avenues...well for a start you'll need one each...etc, etc.
  2. Sounds cool - might have to look into this place...
  3. Any chance of a photo of the set up just to make sure I've got it right? How far up the brake bridle are your brake lines connected & have they been tuned on the handles or on the end knot? Cheers
  4. Mine are at 15cm and seem OK - I'd like to compare it to others though, you never know if you can set it up slightly better and wring a bit more power out of it...
  5. David - Have you set the Bego up with power rings?
  6. So I guess the next meeting of SEKA is at Camber - what date are we looking at Guys? Who was there & how did it go on Saturday - apart from the snow...?
  7. The Lone Wolf has a few videos of him getting some decent airtime with his BIII 4.9 & 8.5 - might be worth a pm. Can't believe he's not around tonight, he's always on.
  8. Have you got power rings on your Bego...?
  9. Yep - try to master the pendulum jump - it may take a while but you should be able to get nice arcing jumps where you don't land too hard. I would seriously avoid touching the brakes mid-jump,this will make things much worse for your hard landings...
  10. Is the Ozone Samurai an LD replacement or an addition to the range? I read somewhere that it produces a good amount of lift, which the LD's don't really, so is it Ozones Blade competitor?
  11. Not tried it with a board, but I'd have to endorse everything Gary says about the Bego - can't believe I'm saying this but I'm praying for the wind to drop so I can get it out again...
  12. Fitted a set to my Bego yesterday - all 4 spot on, yet again. I think they must know it's you...'Ah, these are on their way to nw-swifty, chuck in one of those long ones will ya'
  13. Not thick at all - in fact you sound like a really nice bloke. Before you bin that 8.5 BIII give me a bell - I'll come and collect it, saves you the hassle of a trip to the scrapyard.
  14. Yep, I was with Neal today also with my Bego, and it's all true. Even when the wind dropped off to virtually nothing the Bego still stays flying and you can feel the powers there - first couple of flights today so I'm still learning how to get the most out if it. Just wish I'd bought it sooner, very smooth machine rather than the sudden slam of power like a Blade. Absolutely the poodles privates for jumping with...
  15. Either a couple of posts have been deleted or I'm going completely mad...
  16. Seems a little harsh Mell - just read the thread and didn't see any criticism there, just a thank you...
  17. Absolutely right - I'm sure Ozone will replace these asap for you. Their customer service is superb.
  18. Hmmm..that's nothing...when I was a lad we used to have t't get up half an hour before we went to bed and lick t't road clean...etc. etc. Sorry - no relevance whatsoever just couldn't resist it.
  19. How much were they out? I have to say this is the first time I have ever heard Ozone lines being unequal. Never had any issues with any of mine, and will always buy if I have the choice.
  20. From everything I've read, I'm relying on my new Bego to give long scudds and perhaps even decent air at 8mph and below
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