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Everything posted by Airborne1599968603

  1. Quality vids FinWood. I wish we'd had some snow like that, it looks a blast.
  2. Have to agree with Scoopy - had mine out last Sunday in around 10/12ish mph and my best hours kiting ever. Nailed some super floatie pendulum jumps that seemed to last for ages and honed my overall technique a little more. The more you fly it, the more you love it.
  3. Number of reasons: - superb light wind ability - masses of lift, ideal for jumping & boarding - huge amounts of pull, great for scudds & buggying (watch the lift though) - great build quality - very fast, responsive, and quick turning for a 6M kite (thanks to the rif-raf that tucks the tips in) - very smooth power delivery, feel the power coming in, nice for timing jumps etc. - excellent value for money (£325 for a 6M) - individual colour schemes, many and varied - it's different (at least it was, but everyone seems to be getting one now) - the more you fly it the more you get out of it, you learn to fly this kite over time and this makes it extremely rewarding - you can say "I'm just getting my Bego out" without getting arrested... I'm sure there's more, these are the ones that spring to mind
  4. With the Bego being sensitive to brake input I put power rings on before my first flight, so can't tell you how it flies without them. The rings keep the brakes nice and taught which can only help their action - mine are around 12cm long, not sure how this length will affect the flight though.
  5. Yes I've flown Bullets - not what I need. Good kites for buggying though as they are pretty stable and generate a decent amount of pull. My particular vice is static jumping which is why my kite bag contains kites that generate plenty of lift and are particularly suited to getting my 12st butt off the ground. Blades do this - different sizes depending on the strength of the wind, and the light wind float hero the MAC Bego 600 for winds between 2 - 15mph. Totally agree with flying kites before you buy, obviously a logical thing to do before parting with over £300, but asking advice on the forum is another great source of information. IMHO, if Stick wants a kite to jump with then he should be looking at Blades rather than Bullets, if he wants a kite for traction and buggying then the Bullet wins. Both different kites designed for different applications. Just my opinion, granted, but Stick seems to be looking for the same characteristics as I do in a kite - and my kitebag is taylored toward static jumping.
  6. Just noticed your kite bag Benny - you might find that the Bego and your 8.5 have a lot of overlap. The Bego is good from 2/3mph up to 15mph (if you're brave) - I guess that's similar to the 8.5?
  7. Nope - there are 200, 400 & 600 Bego's (2M, 4M & 6M), but only one of each. They come in a massive array of colours though - there is not a set colour scheme, although they all have the trademark V in the centre and distinctive contrasting coloured leading edge design. MAC do other kites such as the Explorer and Neptune, but there's only one Bego. Have a look on http://www.atmospherekites.com for information. Stunning kite - you will love it.
  8. When you say carry on through Camber - do you mean keep travelling east, so your flying at the east end of Camber beach?
  9. Sorry guys - this was a retrospective request, I was out on Sunday afternoon and by the time I looked on xcweather it was 10:00pm. Just wondered if anyone had looked on Sunday or had their windmeter out?
  10. Depends what you want from the kite Stick - in your post you highlighted jumping as what you were interested in, if this is the case then you would be better off with a Blade over a Bullet. Bullets will give you plenty of pull but not the lfit that the Blade can deliver.
  11. Glad you got it sorted Puto55 - now time to enjoy some serious airtime.
  12. Not sure what the wind was yesterday but I had my best session yet with the Bego - some 6ft super floatie hanging jumps - I'm just sat in the office reliving it in my mind...totally stupendous.
  13. Anyone know what the windspeed in West Sussex was around 2:30 to 3:30 this afternoon? It's just for my personal reference as I was hitting some sweet jumps with the Bego - it would be useful to verify the conditions for the future. Cheers
  14. But at your size you will get some good scudding at 3mph... In comparison my B3 4.9 struggles to get off the ground at all in 3mph...
  15. I think 3mph is a little exaggerated even for your weight - you should get some air at 5-6mph though.
  16. 13 is a tender age to experience the delights of a Bego...but if you're used to a B2 4M then I guess it may be OK. I have to say tht at your weight, the Bego will simply lift you off the ground even when you hold it at the zenith at 10mph, you will get the best use from it below this speed I know you will have heard this a thousand times but seriously if you do get a Bego then take it out in the lightest possible winds at first until you become accustomed to the power this thing produces. You will be getting your 4M BII out when you can't handle the Bego, so in that respect it will fit in nicely wind wise.
  17. Didn't know it was called 'rif-raf' - Rayens, how does the 400 compare to a Blade 4.9M lift wise?
  18. As already mentioned this came up a couple of days ago with a B3 4.9. Mine is set up on the end knot of the main (power) bridle lines and on the end of the handle leader. My brakes are on the second knot on the brake bridle (30cm up from the end knot) and tuned on the handle leader with a knot 9cm back from the end. Try these settings - should be right for you unless there is an issue with the bridle (I'm sure it's fine though). If you still have problems let us know.
  19. Just reading my previous post again, I'd go for a 3M Blade over an LD if you're after lift. I started with a B2 3M and it really got me hooked - great kite.
  20. Wise words - I'll do that. Cheers keyz.
  21. Caramboo is giving good advice - I know how tempting it is to buy big straight away. With the Bego you won't be flying in over 15mph max anyway, a compromise may be a Bego 400 - but again even this is a huge jump in performance over Super 10. The thing is the Bego 400 is not that much cheaper than the 600 anyway so the best idea is to buy a cheap s/h 3M LD (or similar) or maybe Blade II, build up in lighter winds first and then get the Bego for the lighter summer winds. The 3M will always be useful for high wind days anyway so it won't be wasted and will still give you a vast jump in power over your 10 - enough for scudding and jumps in reasonable winds.
  22. Good question - the Blade has more of an on/off kind of power delivery, whereas the Bego seems to be smoother in delivery. The Bego is better (more power) in lower winds, but as the wind strength increases the Blade gets closer to the Bego - but then I'm used to flying the Blade and I'm still learning with the Bego. I think I need to refine my technique to get the best from it. When the wind gets up to 12-15mph I pack the Bego away (chicken, I know) and the Blade comes out - the Bego is lofting me off the ground without me moving it at these speeds, the Blade is not that lifty at that wind speed. The Bego is much better at resisting luffing than the Blade and turns almost as quickly as the 4.9, it is really impressive for a 6M kite. Jumps seem to be floatier with the Bego - again my technique still needs improvement. One area where the Blade is much better than the Bego - getting the bloody thing back in the bag when the winds up, the Bego draw string bag isn't the easiest thing to get 6 sq. metres of kite into! The Bego 400 would be interesting to try out - I wouldn't mind a go with the 200 either...
  23. Thanks Scoopy. I have my brakes set so they are tight and pulling back on the handles curls the trailing edge in straightaway - no slack at all. Is yours similar to this?
  24. Must admit I've not had the bottle to get the Bego out in stronger winds yet - I need to find a site without too many trees first... Scoopy - I know you have small pulleys on your Bego - what length is the line you have the pulleys attached too? Could you post a pic of your set up? Cheers.
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