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Everything posted by Airborne1599968603

  1. There is no debate - from 3-14mph the Bego is king - above this it has to go back in the bag, unless you have a reservation on ward 15. From 14-20ish the 4.9 comes out and is the tops. From 20-25 Blade 3.3 From 25-30+ Blade II 2M or Blade 2.6 If I could only have one then Sparhawk says it all...BegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBEgoBegoBegoBegoBegoBegoBego..
  2. Posted in wrong thread me thinks? Otherwise you've totally lost me...
  3. I don't use mine for boarding but Neal C does - his is on handles, as is mine. You're right about the brake input, they are designed to turn using the brakes and you can keep the power on full for amazingly quick 7 agile turns for a 6M kite. I know Rayens has developed a depower on a bar for the Bego so it can be done. I'm down near Brighton and you're welcome to have a blast if you're down this way... I have never heard a bad word against a Bego yet, not one, zip, nothing, which has to point to a lot of very smug and contanted owners...just buy it and love it.
  4. Ah, I see - it's just that you said retail prices which generally means new. Depends on the size of course but if you take the 4.9 typical prices second hand would be: BI - £180ish BII - £200 - £220 BIII - £240 - £275 All very rough prices you understand, and will vary depending on condition and kit that the kite comes with. There are anomalies though - the BII 2M is a sort after classic which can fetch up to £180, and the BI 3.3 too which can go for almost the same money. Hope that helps.
  5. You are talking about kite ancestry here. The original Blade (1) was introduced and then replaced by the Blade II, which in turn was replaced by the Blade III. You can only buy Blade III's new now (unless there are some old stocks of II's left somewhere). Check the prices out on-line, cheapest is generally http://www.trick-of-the-eye-kites.co.uk but you may get stung for the VAT when they are shipped...
  6. If you can stretch to a little more you could get the best kite I have ever flown...the one, the only, ladies and gentlemen I give you the MAC Bego 600 Do not miss the opportunity to own one of these, or you'll forever rue the day you had £300 and made the wrong decision
  7. Do love that sunset pic Keyz - very atmospheric. My Bego is actually in the same colours as yours, looks great in the sky - bugger to keep clean though!
  8. LOL Just looked at your profile Woppa, you could be a handy guy to have around!
  9. Totally accept what you're saying Muppetdude, but if you are responsible, know your limits, build up from light winds, and wear the appropriate safety equipment, the chances of serious injury are minimal. Granted, gusty winds are dangerous, and care should be taken when flying in them - it is always sensible to try the smallest kite first approach. My flying site is around 5min from home - nice and convenient. If I had to concentrate on water-based activities then I would be spending hundreds of pounds on kit that I would only get to use once or twice a month due to the distance to travel and time away from family commitments. Besides I hear of at least as many injuries on the water as on land, and not too many of either to be honest. At the end of the day it is up to the individual to assess the risk, taking into account the conditions, level of experience, surroundings etc, etc. I do hope you don't work for the council...
  10. I had some nice ones today. It was around 12-13mph according to xcweather but there were some gusts thrown in too every so often. Played it cautious at first with the B1 3.3 (brilliant kite) got some smallish 3/4 ft jumps and scudded around like Franz Klammer - great fun. Then the wind seemed to die off a little so I thought sod it, lets get the 4.9 out. Of course as soon as its out of the bag and the handles are staked out the wind is back up to 12/13mph - but that's OK. I haven't flown the 4.9 for a while having got the Bego, and I have to admit I'd forgotten how great this kite is. 5/6 ft floating pendulums at will, a couple must have been a little higher. OK not massive by others standards, but this was probably the first time I've felt in total control pulling these kind of jumps exactly when I wanted and landing perfectly each time. I guess practice makes perfect and all those pairs of soiled underwear have been worth the wait. A 4.9 Blade - everyone should have one - All time classic with good reason.
  11. I'm with Agger, Beezer & Squire - either Vans or an old pair of Merrell's for those muddy sessions. I wouldn't be too concerned with ankle support for scudding, you should be fine unless it's a really uneven field.
  12. Kevob - if you're looking at a kite for jumping then you have to check out the MAC Bego 600. In 7-8mph you will be getting some nice floaties that are just not possible with a 6.6, in 3-4mph it will still pull you along at a decent rate. In light winds there is little to touch it, but take it out in 12-15mph and you'd better inform air traffic control...
  13. Errrrmm...not sure I want my pathetic attempts recorded for the amusement of others...
  14. Sorry matey forgot to add that one - I must have a go on yours next time we're out
  15. Sorry TLW - feel a bit of an ar5e for mentioning it. This was intended as a jest harking back to some severe spelling criticism on a certain thread a couple of months ago...if you remember the one... Danny - the Bego is the best light wind kite you can get, we can't all be wrong. Buy one and join the undergroud Bego movement - we hate it when it's too windy
  16. I wish I hadn't mentioned it now because it hacks me off when others pick holes in peoples spelling - I was actually having a little jape with TLW... concider = consider
  17. I know that! I meant the other F word...the depowerable one...
  18. Careful TLW - the spelling police will be after you
  19. If you take it easy at first then a 4.9 should be OK. Beware though - it will have a lot more power than the Bullit. Best site for information regarding the Blade is probably this one...
  20. Bit bored so thought I'd gather the collective opinions as to the all time classic kites that have been produced over the years. I'll start with a couple of obvious ones: BladeII 2M BladeI 3.3M Blade 4.9M (take your pick I, II, or III) I'm also going to tender the MAC Bego 600 as a nomination for a classic in the very near future. I could put down a few more but that wouldn't be giving you guys a chance to put forward your nominations...
  21. You've got to check out a Bego if you're after a low wind kite. I love all my Blades - but a Bego is a man's best friend.
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