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Everything posted by Airborne1599968603

  1. I've got 25M lines on my BIII 4.9 and can get reasonable air in ~8mph. I'm 11 1/2 stone and not an expert by any means. You need to move the BIII around to generate the lift - they reputedly don't produce as much static lift as the BII, but when you move them accross the window they do produce more. Try flying along the ground to the edge of window and then sweep it over the top - still maintaining the speed - as it passes over head run backwards and then in the direction the kite came from. As the kite continues across the top of the window and you run in the opposite direction the lift will pick you up and swing you up and down in an arc. This is the pendulum jump and once you nail it you will get some serious jumps out of the BIII. Switch to 25M lines and go for it - the longer lines will generate more power but you will lose a bit of the responsiveness, but not so much. Hope this helps.
  2. In 3mph this will happen - need to keep the Bego moving in such low wind. More wind and it'll be fine. Put the rings on and then fiddle with the brake settings to tune it - they are designed to fly better with them.
  3. Hmmm...and this has what to do with Elvis exactly?? I presume **** off size is 8.5M and above, right?
  4. One way to save money on pants is to 'go Commando...' Not something I'd recommend personally you understand...
  5. I just meant I'm not sure whether you could get both lines & handles for that price. I got Ozone lines thrown in and already had a spare set of Blade 3 handles so didn't need them. No harm in asking though
  6. You should be able to get lines for that price from Kite 'n' Skate (http://www.gruntys.co.uk) - but maybe not the handles too.
  7. Oh no - what's happened to croquet? It's my second favourite sport after origami...
  8. If I had put up my 4.9 this afternoon I would have ended up in intensive care...in Madagascar General...
  9. I'm not on commission, honest...but you should take a look at the MAC Bego 600. If you like Blades you'll love the Bego. Wind range from 2mph upto 15mph, top quality construction, very quick for a large kite, and lift like you won't believe. Depends what you want to do with it, but for static flying and boarding it is hard to beat - although you will need to put it away in over 15mph...
  10. 8M?????????? Was that all six of you on one 8M to hold it down?????????
  11. Keep meaning to get down to West Wittering - not enough time today though, but soon...
  12. LOL - I bet the beaches on Orkney are superb...any idea of the windspeed up your neck of the woods?
  13. Thinking about getting a landboard. Looking to buy second hand initially to check I can get the hang of it. I'm looking to try to get some air, and hopefully some long stable runs - will be used mainly inland with occasional coastal visits. What would you guys recommend - which boards fit the bill and are rugged and durable as it will be second hand and already had some use? Cheers.
  14. OK then, hands up whose been brave/stupid enough to get the kite out today? I'm sure all the usual suspects will have ventured out at some point. I had a bit of a slapping from the BII 2M - big gust mid jump , went up a fair way , splatt , long body drag , sneaked in, clothes straight in the washing machine . But I'm certain I can't have been the only one...
  15. You're really looking at between 5/6 upto 20ish until you get experience. You won't get much out of a BIII 4.9 below 5/6 mph (need a Bego for this) and over 15 mph will be pretty frightening for a while.
  16. Great looking beach Kiteboyza. I had the BII 2M out for 1/2 and hour this afternoon & it kicked my ar5e. Wind was gusting from 22 to 39mph, swung it round for a jump just as the wind picked up and found myself looking down from 5-6ft up in a split second. Ground came up very fast and managed to roll and still keep the kite in the air - it then dragged me down Stanmer Park on my belly for about 10m... Covered in mud, packed it away and slinked off home. Wondering whether to go out again now though - seems to have calmed down a little...
  17. LMAO - Nice one Ally...how's Roy getting on?
  18. LOL Doctor - harsh but fair...
  19. You're going to have to expand on your reasoning a little here. I have both a BIII & a Bego and am merely putting forward my preference based on my experience - obviously you know something I don't - please enlighten me. Check out this thread: http://www.flexifoil.com/community/forums/showthread.php?p=318183#post318183 You can see that many share the opinion that Bego's make the best jumping kites - which is what we are talking about here. In what respect do you find the BIII better than a Bego? Better make? You've totally lost me...if you mean less common than Blades, then of course - but that is half the attraction. If you mean Flexi's are better made then you are wrong. Maybe you mean something else...? This sounds as if I'm Blade-bashing now, I'm not, I've got 4 & love them all, but come on let's have some constructive debate here, not just 'better kite, better make'. Help me out here.
  20. This is about the 4th time I've said this in a week...Blades are great for jumping but a MAC Bego 600 is better. From 3-15mph you can get floaty smoooooth jumps - it is the light wind king, but take one out in 10mph + and you need a box of Kleenex it's so good.
  21. Kite for light summer winds? For use with a board? There is only one answer - you need to get down and Bego. The MAC Bego 600 is the best light wind kite you can buy end of story - do a search and checkout all the rave reviews - Blades are brilliant, but the Bego is even better.
  22. Sounds like you were a lucky boy. IMHO tethered flying is for complete buffoons - no skill involved (you just get a kite out that's far too big for the conditions and tie a rope round yourself), and risk death or paralysis.
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