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About HeelsideJack

  • Birthday 06/02/1965

HeelsideJack's Achievements

Quantum Jedi master

Quantum Jedi master (26/30)



  1. HeelsideJack


    Hi, welcome. Any relation to Windy?
  2. You just can't help yourself, can you. Do you really think its a genetic attribute???
  3. So, TG, how can the Higgs boson weigh 129 times more than the mass of a hygrogen atom (or 64.5 times the mass of two when they collide)? I'm seeing a fundamental law of physics being broken, and its disturbing me.
  4. PS. Has The Geoff been banned?? I thought he'd be all over this thread like a rash. Or has Scotland seceded from the UK already?
  5. That's what they said about the discovery of DNA, and now we are all reaping the benefit through medical advances. It's worth every cent/penny/euro.(?drachma).
  6. What I don't get is, if you smash two hydrogen atoms (= a proton and an electron) how do you get a particle that weighs 129 times the weight of a proton? Any takers? @Mick - you're so right about the internal combustion engine. It is just a slow suffocation, rather than being sucked up someones black hole.
  7. What I don't get is, if you smash two hydrogen atoms (= a proton and an electron) how do you get a particle that weighs 129 times the weight of a proton? Any takers? @Mick - you're so right about the internal combustion engine. It is just a slow suffocation, rather than being sucked up someones black hole.
  8. Mick, thats what they said when the automobile was invented - don't you remember.
  9. So true. It was like finding a gold nugget.
  10. That's Arek, without a doubt. Any opportunity for publicity.
  11. I don't believe in physics. I mean, all those emails show that those scientists are just gunning for more money. ;-)
  12. I do the doctor thing. Mister is for British surgeons, and a touch pretentious if you ask me. Its got a historical origin, i that the original surgeons were not medically trained, but barbers. (They had sharp implements). I have a lot of respect for the technical skill of my surgical colleagues, but many of them need to work on the "interacting with the human beings" side of things. Surgeons (and doctors overall) are treated as the miracle-workers by the media, and its gone to their head a touch.
  13. Yep. 6 years of medicine at uni, 3 years as a junior doc, 7 years of anaesthetic training then a consultant. You'd do more for murder. We usually tailor what we say to the risk, so a crook patient having a simple procedure might be told they have a risk of dying, but I wouldn't say that to a healthy patient having a minor op, because it might scare the bejeeesus out of them. If they asked, I'd be honest by saying the risk of dying from the anaesthetic is much less than the risk of dying in a car accident by a factor of thousands. But, for any patient having hear or brain surgery , the risks are higher (maybe a few percent to 50 percent depending on the patient and the op), so it's important for the patient and the family to know.
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